Shane Long has his Associates degrees in Product Design and a minor in Fine Arts and utilized his creative skill sets and worked for HAVEN as a Designer and Product Developer.
During his tenure at HAVEN, he worked on developing multiple seasons of upscale products that utilize the best materials in the world. He worked on collaborative projects with brands such as Adidas, Asics, Vans, Converse and Nike and has a global network through those projects.
Although the product he was working on was premium, it was also limited and exclusive. Shane started ADAPTURE because he wanted to utilize his 9-year experience in the apparel industry and develop a product that is inclusive but utilizing the same materials as the high end product he's been working on. He is able to use his experience and market research on trends to convey a future forward approach to product creation and marketing.
Rain Check Podcast : Shane of ADAPTURE
Beyond the Garment Podcast : Ep 6 Shane Long Founder of ADAPTURE
Creative Head Space : for all the clothing brand owners I shane long with decades of experience and knowlege
Vancouver Magazine : This Vancouver Fashion Designer Is On a Mission to Make the Perfect White Tee
MANIFESTO : WAY OVER PAR: Hazard Hunters' Shane Long